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Ok, so time to get serious... There's a bit of reading to do in this section, so just be prepared.
If you're a songwriter or an artist who has maybe written a song, the next step is finding a producer to work with that will bring your song idea to life. But finding a producer who understands your sound can be difficult.
We're here to help!
We'll work with you to create the finished song you've got going on inside your head.
So what do you get?...
You get completely original production to support the song you wrote (or plan to write) and the necessary studio time to record your vocals and any instruments you might play.
You'll have a dedicated producer (or producers), a dedicated sound engineer and we'll also work with you on the vocal production! This can include helping you get the best vocal performance, backing vocals & harmonies.
When all of that is done, we'll also mix and master the song so it's ready to be uploaded to all online streaming platforms like Spotify, iTunes & YouTube etc.

We have a quick chat either on the phone or at the studio to help us first understand WHO YOU ARE as an artist and what sort of sound you're really looking to get out of the process.
We book a session with a producer or maybe two producers, depending on the project. This session can be anywhere between 4-8 hours, depending on what is necessary. In this session we will work with you to try and establish the basic structure and sound of the song. We may also record any instruments that you may want to include if you are guitarist or pianist for example.
After your first studio session, our producers will put in some additional hours to get your backing track finished. They will liaise with you thought the process to make sure you are happy with how the song develops as they spend more time on it.
When step 3 is complete and everyone is happy with the instrumental of the song, we book you in for a 4 hour recording session*. This session is dedicated to you recording all the necessary vocal parts for your song, so come prepared to work! An engineer will be present and will work with you to to help you get the best possible result for your song.
*(If the 4 hours are not enough time, then we can do more hours, but there will be an additional fee for any additional hours needed).
After your recording session, some time is needed to get rid of the vocal takes we don't need and identify which ones we do want to use. Once we have decided which vocal takes will be used, we need to clean up those vocals! That's taking out any coughs, sniffs, licking your lips, mouth smacks etc... any undesired noises in the vocals need to go!
After your vocals are recorded and all tidied up, the vocal parts are sent to our producers for any additional production parts they might like to add or remove to complement the vocals more. The artist (that's you) will liaise with the producers throughout this process again to make sure that you are happy with any changes that are made.
Once everyone is happy with the production and all the vocals, we can mix the song! All the individual parts or as we call them 'stems' are sent back to the engineer who will mix the song and polish all those sounds and warm up those vocals, make sure everything sits nicely with each other and everything is audible in the record.
This is the last and final part. Once we have a good solid mix, we can master the recording. This is making sure that your song is loud enough to be played on radio, uploaded to Spotify, iTunes, YouTube etc, so that it doesn't sound flat next to all your favourite songs. This is actually one of the most important parts of the process. We also add song tags, and any artwork you would like embedded into the MP3.
That's it! We send you a fully finished MP3 ready to be uploaded. We can also send a WAV file, individual parts on request, backing tracks for live performances and pretty much anything else that you might need as part of the record. Then it's up to you to share it with the world!
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